How to become an MRI or CT scan Technologist?

Updated Post: 26 Apr 2024

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 How to become an MRI or CT scan Technologist?

Who is called an MRI or CT scan Technologist? 

A healthcare professional with proper skills and expertise in imaging modalities that are used to detect pathologies and the anomalies, this person is referred to as MRI Technologist or CT scan Technologist or collectively called as Radiology Technologist.

What is MRI? 

MRI is an acronym for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, here in this imaging modality a very high powerful magnetic energy is used to produce high quality images of the body to detect and evaluate anomalies. MRI is best suited for evaluation of soft tissue pathologies, given also the benefit that there is no ionizing radiation used for delivering images. Ionizing radiations are harmful and damages the cells of the human body. 

What is CT scan? 

CT scan is the acronym for Computed Tomography Scan where images are produced using a very high amount of ionizing radiation or simply X-Rays, in order to detect and evaluate pathologies of the human body. The images produced by CT scan will give valuable information of bones, vascular system, and soft tissues that can detect medical conditions like injuries, tumors, internal bleeding etc. CT scan modality is most widely used in a medical setting because of its ability to produce detailed images quick and non-invasively. 

What are the duties of an MRI/CT/Radiology Technologist?

Here are some of the key duties of a health care professional under Radiology department:

  • A radiology technologist will operate different types of imaging modalities like x-ray machine, CT scanner, MRI etc. to produce images. 
  • Patient positioning, the technologist will position the patients in a correct manner to ensure patient safety and comfort. Patient position must be accurate so as to avoid repeated exposure.
  • It is the duty of a technologist to adhere to strict safety protocols so as to minimize radiation exposure towards patients and other staff as well.
  • Control of image quality where the radiology technologist are responsible for delivering high quality images.
  • Maintenance of Patient records and data where it becomes the duty of radiology technologist to maintain the records of patients be it medical history or demographics.
  • Team work or collaborative quality to be able to work together with other healthcare professionals.
  • Maintenance of imaging equipment so as to ensure and verify proper functioning of the machines thereby minimizing downtime. 
  • Patient care and quality communication skills, this is a make or break quality hence it is necessary to improve one’s communication skill if they decide to dedicate their career in medical structure.

What are the qualifications required in order to become an MRI/CT/Radiology Technologist? 

In order to be a Radiology technologist, one must complete their diploma or bachelor’s degree in courses relevant to Radiology arena. The certificate must be from a UGC recognized college or institute or university of India. At the least of six months to one year of practicums must be included of hands on experience with patients as well as imaging machines. Basic computer skills and effective communication must be an existing quality in a healthcare professional worker. 

How do you know that Ganesh Paramedical College is the one for you?

If you are having a not so good time scrolling and searching for the best paramedical college to kick start your career, then you can leave that worry at bay because Ganesh Paramedical College is the Best Paramedical College in India where we provide quality academics along with hands on training from the latest cutting edge imaging modalities. We provide multiple course programs to meet every individual needs. 

Certificate course in Radiology and Imaging Technology (one year), diploma in Radiology and Imaging Technology (two years), Bachelor of Science in radiology and imaging technology (three years) and Master of Science in Radiology and Imaging Technology (two years) are the programs available under radiology department.

 Our college is affiliated to various NAAC accredited university such as Singhania University, BirTikendrajit University and NIOS. One can grab the opportunity to get involved in hands on experience from the initial year of the program with definitely under the supervision of expert and skilled technologists. 

You can have that chance to interact with patients directly and leave a positive impact in the lives of every individual you come across.      

Eligibility Standard for Admission Under Radiology & Imaging Technology in Ganesh Paramedical College

The eligibility criteria is that one must have their 10th and 12th standard mark sheet with minimum 50% score. Identity proof card or documents with self-attested signature. 

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