Overview of MRCP on 3T MRI for Radiology and Imaging Paramedical Courses

Updated Post: 06 May 2024

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 Overview of MRCP on 3T MRI for Radiology and Imaging Paramedical Courses

What is MRCP?

The MRCP stands for Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography, which is a non-invasive special test, without presence of the role of the ionizing radiation that also evaluates the organs anomalies such as the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas and ducts of the pancreas. The test is done by the imaging modality, MRI short for Magnetic Resonance Imaging that utilizes very strong magnetic energy. 

Here are some uses of MRCP

  • Examination of diseases related to the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, and pancreatic duct. The disease will consist of tumors, inflammation, infection and stones etc. 
  • Patients suffering from pancreatitis can undergo MRCP test to find out the underlying cause. In cases like this, such patients with pancreatitis may be given medication called Secretin in order to assess for long term scarring and also to determine the amount of pancreatic function that can be considered healthy and can secrete normally. 
  • Unexplainable abdominal pain can be evaluated by MRCP.
  • It provide a non-invasive alternative test to endoscopy test known as endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) which is a rather invasive diagnostic procedure that combines the use of endoscopy and x-ray modality with contrast agent administration to examine the inside of the body. ERCP evaluates the biliary ducts and the pancreatic ducts.

MRCP procedure and its relevant information

  • MRCP test can be done on outpatient basis.
  • The test generally consists of multiple runs or sequences in MRI terms, some of which lasts several minutes and each of the run create set of noises that are different from one another. 
  • In cases of contrast study related test, an IV-line catheter is placed into the vein of the arm which will work in the administration of contrast agent also known as gadolinium. 
  • Patient is placed in the MRI unit, where the MRCP exam takes time somewhere around 10 to 15 minutes but when performed under MRI abdomen standard of sequences hence lasts for approximately 30 minutes. 
  • The whole procedure for MRCP examination last around 45 minutes. 

What are some safety precautions to keep in mind for MRCP examination?

  • Claustrophobia is the fear of tightly closed spaces, if any patient has this issue or anxiety related conditions, patient may be given sedatives prior to the procedure.
  • Women of childbearing age must always confirm if there is any chance of being pregnant, though MRI has been in use since 1980 there has been no reports of any ill effect on the woman who is pregnant nor the fetus yet the machine consist of strong magnetic energy. Pregnant women in the first trimester must not undergo MRI. Also, contrast study must be completely avoided in pregnant women unless the benefit heavily outweighs the risks. 


The above content is a tit bit from the subject of MRI taught in Ganesh Paramedical College. The course program that involves the subject MRI are Diploma in Radiology & Imaging Technology which consists of two years duration and Bachelor of Science in Radiology & Imaging Technology with the duration of three years. Ganesh Paramedical College consists of the finest imaging modalities and we provide training and hands on practice for every modality under Radiology & Imaging Technology. So, to get your hands on training with the Radiology and MRI Courses taught by Ganesh Paramedical College and enroll into the finest education piece at our prestigious university at the earliest. 

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